Procedure running epr on x-band bruker epr simoyi
Procedure running epr on x-band bruker epr simoyi

procedure running epr on x-band bruker epr simoyi

In pulsed version, two RF synthesizers (PTS-310 and/or HP8657A) and the same power amplifier are used. The pulsed ENDOR experiments can be performed at Ku or Ka band.Įquipment: In CW version, the RF is generated by the Bruker DICE ENDOR accessory and amplified by the power amplifier AR 250L ( Amplifier Research). The CW ENDOR experiments are performed at X-band, and they are mostly used to determine isotropic hfi constants. Both CW and pulsed versions of ENDOR are available. Purpose: ENDOR is mostly used to measure weak hyperfine interactions (hfi), but in some cases strong hfi can also be measured. This power is sufficient to enable the use of narrow microwave pulses (~ 10 ns) required in ESEEM, DEER, and RIDME experiments. are based on 1 kW TWTs for the 2 – 18 GHz range and ~ 300 W TWT for the 26 – 40 GHz range. The microwave power amplifiers from Applied Systems Engineering, Inc. The corresponding microwave bands are S (2 - 4 GHz), C (4 – 8 GHz), X (8 – 12 GHz), Ku (12 – 18 GHz) and Ka (26 – 40 GHz). The whole range of pulsed EPR techniques is available, including ESEEM in one and two dimensions (e.g., HYSCORE), DEER, and RIDME.Įquipment: A homebuilt broadband pulsed EPR spectrometer continuously covering the range of microwave frequencies from 2 to 40 GHz, with the exclusion of the band between 18 to 26 GHz. The obtainable information includes magnetic relaxation times, weak hyperfine and nuclear quadrupole interactions, distances between paramagnetic centers, etc. Purpose: In-depth study of molecular systems containing the paramagnetic centers. The spectrometer operates in the microwave X-band (9 - 10 GHz) and Q-band (34 GHz). Purpose: Establish the presence of paramagnetic centers, assign their chemical origin, and provide the preliminary characterization (e.g., determine the g-factors and strong hyperfine interactions).Įquipment: Bruker Elexsys E500 CW EPR spectrometer.

Procedure running epr on x-band bruker epr simoyi