222 remington rifle for sale
222 remington rifle for sale

222 remington rifle for sale

It was developed by Remington design engineer Merle ‘Mike’ Walker in the late 1940s and went into production in 1950 in the Model 700 rifle also designed by Walker. These points take us naturally to the history of both and advantages of each. The grounds for its selection as a military calibre were understandable but aren’t necessarily reasons for hunting or target use over the original. 223 R was given slightly increased case capacity, a 5gr heavier projectile and 100fps more muzzle velocity which increased range and terminal energy, and militarily was classified as the 5.56mm. 222 Magnum which had already ‘improved’ the original.222 R, but the Magnum was thought a little more powerful than necessary for military purposes. 223 R (5.56mm) was made after consideration was given to the. The primers are harder and rounds can be ‘over length’ compared with the civilian specs and most military 5.56mm ammunition is loaded to higher pressure than civilian. Of course there can be serious pitfalls in using ex-military ammunition in many civilian rifles. 223 R was originally a military calibre (5.56mm) and military calibres attract greater publicity, greater usage and greater availability of ammunition and brass for civilian use. 223 R, so why has the latter so overwhelmed the ‘original’?

222 remington rifle for sale

222 R was doing an excellent job for decades before the arrival of the. Of course they’re satisfied with it, as both calibres will do an excellent job, but the. 223 R, influenced by those who already have one and are satisfied with it. The current choice for ‘new shooter’ will most often be a. 222 R does need a little defence as it seems to have become invisible. 22 Hornet as ‘filling the gap between the. 22 centrefire shooter, praised the ‘excellent’ 22 Hornet (circa 1932) then jumped to the. Indeed a reply in Australian Shooter’s Top Shots section (August 2018) advising a would-be. 22 rimfire, are almost invariably advised to buy a. This means newcomers to our sport, and particularly those stepping up from the ubiquitous. For those satisfied owners no defence is necessary, but statistics show the long-beloved.

222 remington rifle for sale

Many satisfied users may wonder why this one time ‘wonder cartridge’ needs to be defended and I too believe,­ to paraphrase Mark Twain, ‘the death of the triple-two has been greatly exaggerated’.

222 remington rifle for sale